Latest news and views

Healthwatch Southwark responds to the Change NHS Call-to-action
The government’s 10-Year Health Plan provides an opportunity to address systemic inequities in healthcare and support Southwark’s most vulnerable populations.
Healthwatch Southwark’s response is grounded in feedback from our listening…
Healthwatch Southwark’s response is grounded in feedback from our listening…
Read our response here

NIHR and Guy's St. Thomas' Trust Research Opportunity
Are you passionate about health research?
Join the CRF Research Advisory Group
Help make a difference for the community and innovate research
Join the CRF Research Advisory Group
Help make a difference for the community and innovate research

1 Year Update of our Latin American Access Report!
Find out what we have achieved in one year, since we launched our research report, "Access to Health and Social Care for Latin American Communities in Southwark."

GP partners have voted for collective action
Recently, the British Medical Association announced that GP members had voted to take ‘collective action’ in protest at funding levels and pressures. While there may be disruptions on service practices, the NHS is encouraging anyone to come forward for…

Free life-saving mental health training for barbers, hair and beauty professionals
Southwark barbers, hair and beauty professionals can sign up for free training to help customers talk openly and honestly about their feelings and get support.
Southwark Council is working with the award-winning barber Tom Chapman to…
Southwark Council is working with the award-winning barber Tom Chapman to…

O positive and O negative donors asked to urgently book appointment to give blood following London hospitals IT incident
O blood type donors asked to urgently fill appointments across south east London this National Blood Week ·
Visit blood.co.uk or call 0300 123 23 23
Visit blood.co.uk or call 0300 123 23 23

Call out to Voluntary and Community groups Celebrating International Women’s Day
Healthwatch Southwark would like to promote your International Women Day events or workshops in Southwark!
Calling All Southwark Based…
Calling All Southwark Based…

The Power of Community Engagement: Making a difference in Southwark
Community engagement is at the heart of Healthwatch Southwark’s mission. By ensuring that the voices of residents are heard, we help shape local…

My Journey as a Southwark Community Health Ambassador: Empowering Communities for Better Health
My experience as a Southwark Community Health Ambassador
Latest reports and publication

Coffee Morning Reflection Report
Thank you to all that attended our coffee morning on the 6th February. It was great to see you all in person and to be able to connect people to local services. Have a read of our coffee morning reflection report below.
Find out more

Quarterly Monitoring Report - Q3 2024-25
Learn what Healthwatch Southwark learned and achieved between October - December 2024.
Find out more