1. News -

    Help Healthwatch Southwark understand how to improve healthcare access for adults with learning disabilities and autistic adults.
  2. Report -

    Read what Healthwatch Southwark learned and achieved between October-December 2024.
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    We are hosting a series of pop ups as part of our listening tour whereby the general public can share their experiences in health and social care settings and know that we will do right by them to share this information with decision-makers.

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    O blood type donors asked to urgently fill appointments across south east London this National Blood Week ·

    Visit blood.co.uk or call 0300 123 23 23
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    Read our latest research report exploring the experiences of adults with learning disabilities and autistic adults when accessing healthcare services in Southwark.
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    Find out more about our work and achievements over the past year.
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    The Healthwatch Southwark Soundboard Listening Tour may be over, but we are still listening!
  8. Advice and Information -

    Integrated care systems (ICSs) are partnerships that bring together NHS organisations, local authorities and others to share responsibility for how services are run, what policies and guidance is needed for them to be of high quality and effective and how they are funded across the UK.
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    A year ago the Accessible Information Standard came into force. It requires any organisation providing NHS or social care to communicate in a way that everybody can understand. Here's a reminder of what you should expect.
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    If you care for someone, coronavirus can make things more complicated and stressful. Here you can find helpful information, advice, and signposting to support all in one place for carers in Southwark.
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    The most important thing for all of us to do is to scrupulously follow the government's rules on staying at home, to save lives and support frontline workers. But there are other ways to help, too.
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    As we move into the next stage of the coronavirus pandemic, some patients are being identified by clinicians (doctors and other healthcare professionals) as no longer needing to be on the clinically extremely vulnerable list. What does this mean?
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    NHS England has written to dental practices setting out the next steps for delivery of NHS dental services in England, as the NHS moves into the second phase of the Covid-19 response. Dentists can start reopening for all routine care from 8 June.
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    Join the Community Health Ambassadors Network to help inform, empower and support your community with issues related to health & wellbeing.
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    - Applications for the grants programme is now closed -
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    Find out how COVID-19 vaccinations are being rolled out in Southwark.
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    NHS South East London CCG published a compilation film of local doctors, nurses, care workers and faith leaders.
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    On the 3 February, NHS England (London region) announced changes to the way in which Londoners over the age of 70 can access their COVID vaccination.
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    If you are invited for a vaccine, you'll be contacted by letter, text or email with information on how to book your appointment.
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    See the latest COVID-19 progress, as of Friday 5th February 2021.