Young Voices on Mental Health
Over the summer of 2016, we engaged with 114 young people aged 12-23, via workshops and surveys, to find out about their experiences of mental health education and information, access to services, and where they prefer to go for support.
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Young voices on mental health - Nov 2016
We asked the young people themselves what advice they would give to commissioners and providers when they consider how best to support young people around mental health, in terms of education in schools, health professionals, preventing people from being embarrassed to seek help, and sexual health services in general.
Key recommendations include
Teach young people about mental health, in a creative and engaging way
- Teach teachers about mental health
- Reduce stigma; normalise talking about mental health
- Promote mental health support services including GPs
- Support young people at school
- Improve access to talking therapies
- Encourage peer and mentor support
- Give clear information about confidentiality, and offer anonymous support
- Listen to young people
- Make services friendly for young people