Our 'Going Home' project with Healthwatch Lambeth
We have worked with Healthwatch Lambeth on a project called 'Going Home'. This is where we have tracked people's experiences from the moment they were ready to leave hospital for up to three months afterwards.
We gathered feedback from patients and their families on a weekly basis and asked about the services people receive and their recovery journey.
NHS commissioners in Lambeth and Southwark joined with Healthwatch colleagues for a joint event to discuss how to improve the quality of support for people when they leave hospital.
The event, Going Home, was attended by staff from both Lambeth and Southwark Healthwatch, local hospitals, voluntary organisations and NHS Lambeth and Southwark Clinical Commissioning Groups - over 140 people in total
A video telling the story of one patient's experience when they left St Thomas' Hospital was launched at the event and delegates discussed how they could make improvements to the NHS and care system to ensure people received the support they need from relevant health and care organisations at this difficult time.
We followed the journey of 4 patients in this scheme and have published a report highlighting what we saw and heard.
In 2016, Healthwatch Southwark were involved in speaking to patients in short stay 'step-down' flats in an extra care scheme after leaving hospital. Participants received intensive support to aid their recovery and/or an assessment to decide their next move.
We followed the journey of 4 patients in this scheme and have published a report highlighting what we saw and heard.