Are you a member of one of the hundreds of local voluntary and community sector groups or organisations in Southwark?
If so, we want to hear from you and we’d like you to get involved.
Voluntary and community organisations reach a large and varied proportion of the population. You are the experts of your communities and already know about the issues that matter to our citizens. Each one of your groups and organisations exists for a reason, and cares passionately about your local cause. We want to work with you so we can best champion and support the needs of your members.
Through your networks, and our influence, we can change things for the better.
How can we help you
What makes local Healthwatch different is that we have the power in law to make sure your voice is heard. If your members have concerns related to health and social care, we can tell the people who are in a position to make a change.
We can also hold Signposting and Feedback clinics for your service users. In this interactive ‘clinic’ your service users will be able to:
- Learn about local health and social care services in Southwark (these sessions can be themed specifically to their needs e.g. Mental health services, Sexual Health services etc)
- Share their experiences of health and care services with us, knowing that it will be used to drive improvements in local health and care services
- Receive independent advice and information about health and care services and be directed to any relevant services they may need
If you would like to arrange a Signposting and Feedback Clinic for your members, please contact us at
We are also able to:
- promote your service via our website, social media channels and our ebulletin
- tell your members about opportunities to get directly involved in influencing and shaping health and care services for the better
- collaborate on local community events and themed online events
- collaborate on health and care-based research projects related to your members
How to contact us
If you would like to discuss ways we can support your VCS organisation and your members, including exploring partnership working, do not hesitate to contact us using the methods below:
020 7358 7005