Are you unhappy with your experience of health or social care services in Southwark? Making a complaint is a way to share your experience, get an explanation from the service, and suggest what could be improved in the future.
NHS South East London CCG has commissioned Qwell, a free, anonymous online counselling and emotional wellbeing service for adults from digital mental health pioneers Kooth.
Did you know that many meetings where our local health services are discussed and planned are open to the public? Find out which ones, how to attend and tips on asking decision-makers your questions.
We all need to stay at home as much as possible to prevent the spread of infection, and some people may be avoiding going out completely. We want you to be able to keep active, whatever your age or ability!
Find out more here about the changes hospitals, doctors, and other health services are making to help delay and deal with the coronavirus outbreak, and how this might affect your care.
The most important thing for all of us to do is to scrupulously follow the government's rules on staying at home, to save lives and support frontline workers. But there are other ways to help, too.
If you care for someone, coronavirus can make things more complicated and stressful. Here you can find helpful information, advice, and signposting to support all in one place for carers in Southwark.